project 369

Thursday, October 6, 2011

2011 10 06: Turn about

After a rough start with missing some athletes and an opportunity to shoot early in the AM, and harboring negative feelings about that and other missed opportunities, I decided to try to attract a better outcome. While Hope was a preschool, I snuck down to Duxbury with my kite gear and camera in my car. I never got to kite, by the time I found some others it was too late to rig up, kite, de-rig, change, etc. and make it back to pick up Hope on time. Wasn't too terrible though as I got to shoot for a bit. Learning something every time out.

Making it look easy
Everybody flies

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

2011 10 04: Nantasket Dawn Patrol

Of course, conditions are rumored to have improved after I left, but still I managed to capture three selects between which I'm having trouble deciding. Enjoy!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

2011 09 29: Good book

He was so engrossed in his book, he didn't even notice me shooting him from about 3 to 4 feet away.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

2011 09 28: I'll never tire of this smile

Some even better images, dare I say great images, below the vid. Check 'em out, I especially like the three b&w's...

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Transform by Zack Arias

fantastic video! needed to see this today:

birthdays and aging haven't typically been big deals for me. but today is different. today, i find myself questioning my goals, my achievements, my past, my future, my art, my worth. some lines that spoke to me today:

"i'm going 100 miles an hour down a dead end road."

"who am i as a photographer? what is my voice? i don't even know what that really means, but it keeps me up at night."

"what do i bring to the table that countless others have not already served up on this massive platter of visual pollution we create each and every day?"

"why do we have this insatiable desire to compare ourselves against others?"

"chances are you have your voice. you can say whatever you want to say right now. so, what are you saying? what are you doing with the time you have right now?"

"you don't even realize how amazing you are... you are on your way."

"every photographer in all of history was a horrible photographer for some period of time. they learned. they grew. they had dark days. they persevered. that is the way of the artist."

"just be patient. keep on going. transformation takes time. and from I've seen in my life it really is worth the wait."

2011 09 27: Happy Birthday ME!

Not great photography, but give me a break it's my b-day -- but it was a great dinner!